Our Fall Reunion will be on November 12th and November 19th and will be held at John Darling Lodge No. 154. The Lodge is located at 4601 N. Habana Street, Tampa, FL. Due to the fact that we do not have use of our building, this Reunion will be conducted in a different manner.
Ill⸫ Albert Pike, 33° received the twenty-nine Scottish Rite Degrees from Ill⸫ Albert Mackey, 33° in 1855. At that time, the degrees were not conferred as we know them today. They were in fact, “communicated” to the candidate(s). This is the manner in which we will confer the twenty-nine Degrees to our candidates. In light of this fact, our Fall Reunion will be in memory of Ill⸫ Albert Pike, 33°, Past Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council. Our Director of Work, Ill⸫ Casey Fletcher, 33° will be utilizing an approved program from our Supreme Council to confer the Degrees. And yes, all twenty-nine Degrees will be conferred/communicated at this Reunion. The Reunion schedule will be in the September/October Bulletin that should be in your mailbox in the next couple of weeks.
The Petition for the Degrees is available on our website at https://tampascottishrite.org/members/become-a-member/. Now is the time for us to be talking to our brethren who are not members of the Scottish Rite and encourage them to become a member at this Reunion.
295th Fall Reunion Schedule
Saturday, November 12, 2022
7:30 a.m. | Registration |
8:30 a.m. | Introduction to Scottish Rite Masonry Presentation of Lodge of Perfection Degrees Presentation of Chapter of Rose Croix Degrees Summary for the day |
3:30 a.m. | Estimated end time |
Saturday, November 19, 2022
7:30 a.m. | Registration |
8:30 a.m. | Presentation of Council of Kadosh Degrees Presentation of Consistory Degrees Next Steps in the Scottish Rite Consecration of new members Announcements and Closing Remarks |
3:30 a.m. | Estimated end time |
Breaks will be scheduled throughout each day.
Lunch served around noon.